The Enji story
Our story begins with one of the most difficult things for people to do: admit their mistakes. It was 2016, and Mad Devs had brought together a young and energetic collective of talent.
What could go wrong?
Mad Devs promoted a remote-first, hybrid approach to its work while following the Scrum and Agile programming approach to development. Management wanted to hold daily stand-up meetings to keep team members aware of project progress.
Video calls were out of the question due to time differences. Mad Devs’ clients wanted to know what these programmers were doing with their money by participating in daily stand-ups. But how could a client, non-programmer, understand what engineers were talking about and doing?

2018 : New approaches
Mad Devs’ management decided to build transparency through text-based stand-ups instead of video calls. Employees wrote their updates and sent them to the team, and there was no need to adjust their schedules to a call. These stand-ups could also be shared with clients.
- Not all the developers completed or submitted their stand-ups on time, though, so Mad Devs created Enji’s forebear, Comedian, a bot that sent reminders to developers to write their stand-ups. It worked.
Why stop there?
With enthusiasm, Mad Devs’ engineers decided to add more features to Comedian, including the collection of worklogs. Over time, Comedian became smarter and cooler. It collected worklogs and stand-ups, and with added functionality, it grew into a full-fledged ERP for a service company.
Comedian evolved into something new: Enji. This product produced text summaries of project work, analyzed code, sent alerts about tasks, assisted DevFinOps, and put all of this into metrics and insights for management to use in decision-making.

2021 and growing bigger
Enji grew to become an independent product at Mad Devs. It is a key component of the company’s work processes and is so essential that if Enji were to be shut down, Mad Devs would simply stop working. Since admitting its mistakes and developing solutions, Mad Devs has become a strong, global company that makes the remote-first approach work.
- Developers work to add new features and improvements to the product to continue giving Mad Devs clients transparency in their projects.
Our mission
Enji has grown from a simple reminder bot to an instrument that helps companies grow stronger with data and transparency.
Enji aims to preserve the sustainability of the software found in the billions of lines of code that surround us daily by supporting proper software development practices and structure.
Enji gives leaders transparency and operates on the belief that C-level managers have the right to see what’s happening in projects and to understand them.
Enji believes in providing analysis and data gathering that managers turn into data-driven decisions based on facts and metrics.
Four beliefs drive the Enji team to develop our product and help companies become more transparent: keeping things in order, disciplined processes, data-driven decisions, and responsibility. We follow these principles to improve our work and to assist others in creating positive, performance-orientated environments in their companies.
Explore our principles in detail to see what powers our product.
It’s time for Enji
Using Jira and Slack is no longer enough. It’s time for Enji. Ready to get started today?