Start making data-driven
decisions today.
Data-Driven Decisions
There is a load of data in the world today, and any business that wants to grow needs to put this information to use. Data drives the Enji team’s decisions, from marketing to features and beyond, and we are passionate about helping other companies embrace this approach.
Fact-driven growth
We believe that decisions based on facts, not feelings or subjective opinions, ensure that our engineers diligently
create good software. We replace unnecessary managerial interventions with strategic support to increase
engineer motivation and drive business growth.
Data to support
Some leaders think measuring employee results and outcomes is a form of oppressive control. We use metrics to drive performance and improve the quality of your teams.
Water for growth
Data benefits our business and employees. It helps us make decisions that show we care for our teams and can support them with resources when needed.
Objective insights
The data Enji uses comes from our company, so it provides the clearest picture available of our employees’ well-being and activities.
Using data
Prepare for what is ahead
Our data not only tells us about the present. It helps us prepare for the future. We know what our teams are capable of doing and where they need support. We cannot predict what will come, but we can ensure we will meet any challenges.Our data not only tells us about the present. It helps us prepare for the future. We know what our teams are capable of doing and where they need support. We cannot predict what will come, but we can ensure we will meet any challenges.

For performance-oriented companies like Enji, metrics are helpful facts about the work everyone is doing. We
created Enji so business leaders can use these facts properly to create a positive work environment and fertile
ground for growth.