Alert: Notify if a team member has several tasks under one status

Issue: A teammate moves 10 tasks to the same status at once, then struggles to understand what to work on. The team also has trouble figuring out what they are working on.

Solution: The alert is sent when a developer has accumulated several tasks in one status.

Alert: Notify if a team member has several tasks under one status

Fill in the following fields in the settings:

  1. Target Channel: Specify the channel to send the alert. The alert will be sent to the channel indicated in the General tab if not specified.
  2. Recipients: Choose who receives the alert – the general project channel, the teammate, or the manager based on the project’s SoW. “Project” sends the alert to the channel mentioned in point 1.
  3. Number of issues and their statuses: Enter the allowable number of tasks and the name of the status. You can specify multiple statuses separated by commas (,). Format → 3 In progress, 2 To Do, 1 Under review.
  4. Issue type to be tracked: Enter the type of task to track. Format → Task, Bug.
Alert: Notify if a team member has several tasks under one status