Alert: Send Jira/repo activities from the previous day in response to the standup

Issue: Teammate worked on many tasks yesterday but can’t remember exactly what was done.

Solution: The bot sends in a thread a list of tasks and MRs the team member worked on yesterday.

Alert: Send Jira/repo activities from the previous day in response to the standup

It is considered that the task was worked on if:

  1. A task is created.
  2. Changes in the “Original Estimate” field. If a subtask is modified, it is considered activity in the main (parent) task.
  3. Changes in the task status.
  4. A comment is left.

If there are no matches based on the listed criteria, the bot will not respond to the standup.

If the developer is not added to the Scope of Work (SOW), the bot will not respond to the standup.

Fill in the following fields in the settings:

  1. Target Channel: Specify the channel to send the alert. The alert will be sent to the channel indicated in the General tab if not specified.
  2. All activities: Check the box if you want to see the developer’s activity across all projects they are involved in.
Alert: Send Jira/repo activities from the previous day in response to the standup