Matching Git Platform Users with Enji

Sometimes there are cases where accounts from Git platforms don’t match in Enji for various reasons. To address this, a manual matching feature has been added.

Previously, colleagues had to be asked to authorize GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket accounts themselves, which was inconvenient.

The manual matching function is available to those who can manage project settings.

How to Match a Git Account with an Enji Profile:

  1. Go to the project report.
  2. In the top right, go to Actions -> Project Settings (or Admin Panel -> Projects -> Edit).
  3. Go to the User Accounts tab (this table only includes unmatched accounts for which there is data – commits, pull requests, comments on pull requests, etc.).
  4. Hold down the left mouse button on the cell in the Full Name column.
  5. Choose an employee.
  6. Click the Save button.

After you refresh the page or table, the changed entry will disappear from the table because the account has been matched with an Enji user, and therefore it should not be displayed in the unmatched accounts table anymore.

Matching Git Platform Users with Enji

After matching users from Git platforms with Enji, commits and pull requests, as well as statistics in the Code tab, will be displayed in the reports.