Scope of Work (SOW) Configuration

What is SOW?
The Scope of Work (SoW) at Enji encompasses the projected monthly hours required from employees for a particular project. It serves to designate the project participants, allocate hours to each employee, and specify their involvement period. As an example, Alice Kim – 160h – may be listed in the SoW.

Why is it crucial?
Enji utilizes the information recorded in the project’s SoW to generate financial and project reports, providing valuable insights. It identifies the necessary personnel for project completion and serves as a valuable reference point for stakeholders to plan, analyze, and manage the project effectively.

Company managers should regularly update it.

How to set up SOW
1. Go to Project > Actions > Project Settings
2. In the Scope of Work, click :heavy_plus_sign:
3. Fill out the following fields:
– Full Name
– Role
– Expected Hours
– Others
4. Save the changes

How to add a person to the project’s SOW