24 Oct 2023 – Release Notes

New Features

Alerts in MS Teams

In the recent releases, we introduced Enji.ai Bot integration with MS Teams. Today we are excited to announce that alerts are now available in MS Teams.

You can now receive the following alerts directly in your MS Teams workspace:

  • Notify if a team member has exceeded the daily hours limit.
  • Notify if a team member has exceeded the monthly workload limit.
  • Notify about hanging merge requests in the repository.
  • Report if branch/commit/MR title is missing an issue key.
  • Daily/Weekly report.
  • Send issue/repo activities from the previous day in response to the standup.
  • Notify if work description does not comply with limits.
  • Notify if worklog time exceeds the limit.

Alerts in Enji are an essential component for assisting software development teams. They serve to identify potential workflow issues, enabling you to take proactive measures to address them promptly, thus avoiding potential ramifications.

You can configure alerts in your project settings by following these steps:

  1. Go to the admin panel.
  2. Within the project section, select your desired project.
  3. Navigate to the Project Alerts tab.
  4. Configure the alerts as needed.

Bug Fixes

Resolved Issue: Failed Alerts Delivery in Telegram

We have successfully addressed the problem of failed alert delivery in Telegram. You can now receive the following alerts in Telegram:

  • Report if branch/commit/MR title is missing an issue key.
  • Daily/Weekly report.
  • Notification about hanging merge requests in the repository.

Resolved Issue: Incorrect Project Associations in Telegram

We’ve resolved an issue that led to incorrect project associations for some alerts. For example, if you were using Telegram for work matters in two projects (Project A and Project B), alerts belonging to Project A were mistakenly being sent to Project B.

This issue has been meticulously resolved, ensuring that alerts are now accurately associated with the relevant projects.
