Margin Reports

The margin reports help management determine whether a project or individual is generating profits. If not, appropriate decisions are made.

These reports are accessible to Stakeholder role.

Margin reports showcase the profitability of a project or individual for the company. Accordingly, there are two types:

  1. Project Profits: Margin reports focusing on projects. They illustrate the project’s profitability for the reporting period.
  2. Employee Profits: Margin reports focusing on individuals. They indicate the individual’s profitability for the reporting period.

To calculate all margin reports, rates entered in the admin panel and parsed hours are utilized.

The margin report user data and Invoice hours are affected by the Hiring type (configured in Employee Card):

  • Staff – the user will be visible in the report.
  • Non-staff – the user will be visible in the report.
  • Intern – the user will be visible in the report.
  • Customer – the user will not be visible in the report.
  • Not in the company – the user will not be visible in the report.